This blog is created of course by me... xD Anyways, it is created for sharing up things and stuffs online.
Monday, July 27, 2009
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Please bear with me.
Friday, July 17, 2009
What are the Kinds of Laugh?

Laughing is just a part of our everyday life, but have you noticed that it really means everything in your life? Why? Because when you laugh, you express your feeling of happiness, thus with this happiness, your problems suddenly went out of your mind (even though its just for a meantime xD), and because of the happiness that you feel, you don't even care how you look like when you laugh out loud.
Hehe, it's just a part of our life yet this part is the most interesting part of a person's personality, why?, because you will see a person's real personality on the way he/she laughs.
Here are some kinds of laughs that people usually use:
• Hearty Laugh - This laughing style is usually used by those people who really feel happiness, for example, if you win a Jackpot Prize in a lottery promo. This laughing style usually makes your eyes watery.
• Fake Laugh - This laughing style is used by those people who tend to be happy with someone and those people who really wants to be alone. It is also used by those people who shows "plasticity" to others, they only agree with you when your near but when you are not, they usually do "side comments".
• Chuckle Laugh - I myself consider this laughing style as the "cutest laughing style ever used." This laughing style is usually used by kids and is usually felt when you have done something at the first time. In short, "first-timers" do usually experience this laughing style.
• Annoying Laugh - This laughing style is usually used by those people who really believes in their self alone. They tend that they are much better with the person who they are talking to. Usually, this laugh is also used by those "wild-criticizers."
• Loud Laugh - This laughing style is usually used by those people who REALLY REALLY feels so lucky, they feel so amazed, they feel so proud of themselves. For example, you were called "handsome/gorgeous" by your professor, of course, you will laugh out loud that you almost feel that its the end of the world.
Tip: "For males/gentlemen, DON'T EVER LAUGH OUT LOUD especially when you are with other people, or when you are in a crowd, it's ok to LOL if you are with your "CLOSE friends or BEST friends". As for females/ladies, you are so special because you can laugh in any style that you want still you will be recognized as a lady."
Remember that it is better to be hated on who you are than to be loved with your other plastic persona.
How to Treat Pimples?

Do you feel that the world's map is patched on your face? Feeling dirty? Feeling ashamed of yourself because of that "connect-the-dots" things on your face?
Here are quick tips and reminders in treating up those ugly pores:
• NEVER EVER try to POP those pores... those are not popcorns!
• NEVER EVER apply heavy facial creams on your face.
• NEVER EVER wash your face with soap and water with than thrice a day. Try doing the soap and water washing of face after you lift yourself up in the morning and before you sleep during night. You can just wash your face with water during afternoons or before siesta.
• Keep your self out of those too much hot and too much cold places.
• If you are traveling on the road and smokes from other vehicles are almost slapping your face, LEAVE YOUR FACE ALONE... Never Ever touch your face nor wipe your face with something, you will just spread the germs and viruses on your face.
• Sleep with more or less 8-9 hours, don't let your sleeping exceeds with about 10 hours. (these one is based on a survey held here in our place.)
• Always eat vegetables and fruits that boosts your skin especially carrots.
• If you have mild pimples, don't pop or squeeze them, sometimes these pimples would disappear all by themselves.
• Lastly, if your pimples are still present on your face and they almost took about a month, do consult dermatologists.
Tip: "Don't massacre those pimples on your face, never ever squeeze them or you might now want what will happen next. Just wait. Let them disappear."
Remember that Patience is a Virtue.
Thursday, July 16, 2009
How to Get Known in the Class?
Well, I myself sometimes consider myself a teacher's pet, not because I like the teacher but rather because the teacher LIKES me...
Being a teacher's pet is not that bad, well actually, it's a challenge for you to overcome once you become a teacher's pet. Why?
It is a challenge because:
• You're teacher will always call you once he/she needs help,
• You're teacher will focus his/her attention more unto you,
• You're teacher will give you much works than of your classmates, and lastly,
• You're teacher will always call you during Recitations and he/she will be EXPECTING MORE OF YOU.
But don't worry, in the end... He/She still likes you much than you're classmates, and probably, he/she will pass you and set you as one of the rankers of the class without hesitating why. xD
Tip: "Don't be shy, go out of your Shell, and SHOW EVERYBODY YOUR SKILLS, don't mind those who laugh at you, MIND THOSE PEOPLE WHO WILL BE PROUD OF YOU."
Remember that Knowledge is Power.
Thursday, July 9, 2009
What are the Sleeping Positions?

Do you know that every sleeping position has it's own characteristic and advantages/disadvantages?
Here are some:
• The Yearner - sleeping while your shoulder muscles are being pressed by your body is bad. It can cause muscular pains especially on your upper body muscles.
• The Starfish - this position is one of the best position that you must do whenever you sleep. It actually allows your blood to circulate much effectively and it also makes your muscles free and comfortable. (right now I'm practicing sleeping with this one. ^^)
• The Log - it's the same as The Yearner but this one is much badder than the Yearner because your arm muscles are really not comfortable with it. It will also sometimes make your blood clot.
• The Soldier - the same as The Starfish style but I much prefer the Starfish. ^^
• The Freefaller - this is the worst sleeping position ever made. It can cause cardio-muscles to react in pain besides your heart is being massacred in this position because it is pressurized by your body. For girls, if you are about to develop your breasts, this position would rather distribute the development of your breasts on breasts' side which is bad than in the front of the breasts. There is also a percentage that your heart will stop beating because of this position. I don't really recommend it for sleepers.
• The Foetus - this is also the same as The Yearner and The Log, the only difference is that this position is mostly used by those who are afraid of the dark. They just want to feel their body close to each part. ^^
Tip: "Stretch out! It would really help your blood circulation."
Remember that you must not pressure your chest with your body!
What does Banana gives us?

Well, I consider bananas healthy and nutritious. Why? Because of these:
• The banana fruit (especially the "not too ripe" one) contains fair amount of iron, calcium, sodium, magnesium, sulfur, phosphorus, chlorine, silicon and vitamins A, B, C, D and E. It's like you are about to complete the ABC's of daily food nutrients.
• The fully ripe fruit is also an excellent food for anemia, general weakness, jaundice, nervous depletion, obesity, weak digestion and vitamin deficiency diseases.
Tip: "A Banana a Day drives the Monkey, I mean the Doctor Away."
Throw away the famous saying "An Apple a Day drives the Doctor Away", it's now obviously Banana!
Yeepey! More Monkeys!
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
How to Pass Exams?

Having exams? Don't know how you will pass the test? Based on my and others' experience, it is much better to READ (not memorize with matching closure of eyes -.-) your reviewer about 10-15 minutes before your exam starts for about 5-10 times of reading so that your mind can recall it much easier. Note that when you read and memorize it all over again without stopping, you'll mind would not really store it. It is almost proven by other students that it really works.
Tip: "READ it and MASTER it, don't Memorize it."
Remember that MASTERY is much better that MEMORY.
(This post is addressed to the one who owns the blog.)